Monday, March 22, 2010

Environment chalenge

There is lots of things that I do at both home and school to help protect the environment. One thing that I do at home is conserving the amount of water that I use as much as possible. When you use more water inside the house our tanks get full much quicker and then they have to be pumped out sooner. One other thing that I do is not to litter outdoors. Most people that drive around in the country just throw garbage out the window and that's one thing I don't do. One way to protect the environment at school is to recycle our plastic more. Everybody just throws their plastic in the garbage and we have to learn how to recycle it more.
I'm doing this as a part of the blogging challenge.

Monday, March 15, 2010

View drawing 818335 at Sketchfu
Make your own drawings at SketchfuMore from this artist at SketchfuShare this drawing from Sketchfu
Learn how to draw cartoons, comics, and anime at Sketchfu!

This is my character from the book "Animal Farm" . This is the pig that's named Squeeler. The bubble that says squeek squeek is that because he is a brilliant talker.

Monday, March 8, 2010


I don't think that using a real picture of yourself when blogging is a good idea. This isn't a good idea because there are people out there that you might not know and they could be looking at your blog. The only time that I think it would be good to use a real picture of yourself would be when your an adult. Here's a good website for extra information.
When kids use the internet for blogging and websites like that, they are using personal information that they shouldn't be putting out there.
I am doing this as a part of a blogging challenge that can be found here:

Thursday, March 4, 2010

veteran blogging

Students and classes should read my blog because it's all about me and you can learn alot from just reading my blogs. My blog will be interesting because I like to be outdoors and I will be talking alot about myself. From reading my blogs you can learn what I like to do and how i operate.

Here's a link back to the blogging challenge.